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Obama waives ban on arming terrorists to allow aid to Syrian opposition

SEPTEMBER 16, 2013

President Obama waived a provision of federal law designed to prevent the supply of arms to terrorist groups to clear the way for the U.S. to provide military assistance to “vetted” opposition groups fighting Syrian dictator Bashar Assad.

Some elements of the Syrian opposition are associated with radical Islamic terrorist groups, including al Qaeda, which was responsible for the Sept. 11 attacks in New York, Washington, D.C., and Shanksville, Pa., in 2001. Assad’s regime is backed by Iran and Hezbollah.

The president, citing his authority under the Arms Export Control Act, announced today that he would “waive the prohibitions in sections 40 and 40A of the AECA related to such a transaction.”

Those two sections prohibit sending weaponry to countries described in section 40(d): “The prohibitions contained in this section apply with respect to a country if the Secretary of State determines that the government of that country has repeatedly provided support for acts of international terrorism,” Congress stated in the Arms Control Export Act.

“For purposes of this subsection, such acts shall include all activities that the Secretary determines willfully aid or abet the international proliferation of nuclear explosive devices to individuals or groups or willfully aid or abet an individual or groups in acquiring unsafeguarded special nuclear material,” the law continues.

The law allows the president to waive those prohibitions if he “determines that the transaction is essential to the national security interests of the United States.”

Under section 40(g) of the AECA, the Obama team must also provide Congress — at least 15 days before turning over the weapons — “the name of any country involved in the proposed transaction, the identity of any recipient of the items to be provided pursuant to the proposed transaction, and the anticipated use of those items,” along with a list of the weaponry to be provided, when they will be delivered, and why the transfer is key to American security interests.

Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., and Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., endorsed providing military assistance to the Syrian opposition during an appearance on CBS’ “Face the Nation” Sunday.

“Our intelligence agencies, I think, have a very good handle on who to support and who not to support,” Corker said. “And there’s going to be mistakes. We understand some people are going to get arms that should not be getting arms. But we still should be doing everything we can to support the free Syrian opposition.”


Obama Re-Elected without Objection?

By JB Williams

The American people do not vote for presidential and vice presidential candidates, they vote for electors, who in turn, cast their vote for president and vice president. Electors are sworn to cast a vote only for “eligible” candidates and to certify that all candidates on the ballot are eligible for office and have been duly elected, before casting their ballot before congress.

Twice now, in 2008 and 2012, Electors failed in their sworn duty, certifying and casting their ballot for Barack Hussein Obama, despite knowledge that Obama is not constitutionally eligible for the office of president and that he had won both elections through historic fraudulent efforts.

The law requires that the Electoral College certify the ballot and present its vote to congress for certification on the 6th of January following each presidential election. Because the 6th was a Sunday this year, members of congress bumped the congressional certification to Friday the 4th, without fanfare last Friday.

Earlier last week, The North American Law Center delivered notice to all members of congress, advising them not to become complicit in the fraud by certifying the fraud on Friday. Members of congress ignored that notice and Friday afternoon, the Electoral College and all members of congress affirmed the re-election of Barack Hussein Obama for a second term, each of them becoming complicit with malice aforethought in the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the American people.

The question is now, what will the American people do about it?

Under 3 USC § 15Counting electoral votes in Congress, objection from only one (1) member from each chamber of congress was enough to stop congressional certification of the 2012 election, returning the matter to both chambers for consideration at which point congress could have opened an investigation into the massive evidence of election fraud.

Sadly, not a single elector or member of congress objected, not even one.

House members like Tea Party darling Rep. Michelle Bachmann could have been the one House member to stop the 2012 fraud. – Or, it could have been another Tea Party Caucus member, or maybe all of them.

One member of the US Senate, Senator Rand Paul, king of the data-mining petition industry and beloved son of “Mr. Constitution” Ron Paul, or maybe Tea Party favorite Sen. Marco Rubio could have taken a stand with American citizens and objected. No, not even a single member of the so-called Tea Party Caucus objected…

Republicans control the House and they could have stopped the most fraudulent election in US history without a single Democrat member. But in the end, not a single elector or member of congress had the decency or backbone to stop the Marxist theft of America despite a mountain of evidence right under their noses and prior notice from The North American Law Center.

So, now what?

The last act of the 112th congress was to roll over and play dead as Obama raised taxes without trimming any spending, throwing the nation off the fiscal cliff with trillions in new deficit spending and taxes. The first act of the new 113th congress was to confirm the fraudulent re-election of Barack Hussein Obama without objection.

Members of congress are clearly not worried about any fiscal cliff, but rather the political cliff they were all teetering on as millions of Obama’s federal dependents awaited congressional approval to keep the gravy train rolling. The fiscal cliff is unsustainable federal spending and skyrocketing debt. What Obama and congress did, shoves the nation off the fiscal cliff.

But even more troubling is the fact that not a single member of congress had the decency or backbone to stand up and object at that critical moment in history when congress had the chance to stop it all and hold those responsible accountable.

The ongoing gutless and anti-American acts of our illustrious public servants explains the mega boom in gun and ammo sales, which brings us to the second act of the new 113th congress, a massive gun and ammo grab.

Despite FBI reports showing a steady drop in gun related crime each year as gun and ammo sales set new records and further FBI stats showing that only 4% of all gun related homicides are connected to “assault rifles,” the gun grabbers want these types of weapons only in their own hands, understandably so, as they become ever more corrupt and tyrannical. In fact, twice as many Americans die from a fist fight each year, than from assault rifles.

Gun violence ranks #15 on the CDC list of causes of death and most of those are not related to assault weapons. They are however, related to inner city crime, most of it in Democrat voting districts and most of that, black on black crime. And, we all know that guns are NOT the cause of the Sandy Hook catastrophe. Yet, it is not these folks they seek to disarm. This is Obama’s “civilian army.”

So, what are the American people to do about the theft of their nation and the coming assault on citizens Second Amendment rights, among others?

In my personal opinion, every member of the federal government has well-earned a public lynching for multiple criminal acts of high treason. But before we lock-n-load and begin any violent act to regain control of our runaway government, it is our duty as American citizens to exhaust every possible peaceful means to a solution as provided by our Charters of Freedom.

Clearly, our Executive Branch thinks they are a dictatorship. Our Legislative Branch is operating as nothing more than a rubber stamp for the Executive Branch and the courts may be the most corrupt branch of our Federal Government, acting only as an enforcer for a corrupt and tyrannical regime.

While it is clear that a major housecleaning should include every elected official in Washington D.C. today, I personally believe that our Founders frame work for self-governance, their Constitutional Representative Republic, is worth saving if possible.

Organizations like The North American Law Center are established for the sole purpose of representing American citizens in broad legal battles necessary to protecting and preserving all of our God given and constitutionally protected rights. Among those right are a right to free, fair and honest elections and the Second Amendment. Without these two rights fully secured, we have no other rights.

The Law Center is calling for donors, volunteers and witnesses for scheduled actions. If all Americans join forces, they can regain control of their country. Until then, nobody can do anything about what is happening to the greatest nation ever known to mankind.

JB Williams



The Un-American Vision of Barack Obama – Thomas Sowell

Years, and sometimes decades, pass between my visits to movie theaters. But I drove 30 miles to see the movie 2016: Obama’s America, based on Dinesh D’Souza’s best-selling book, The Roots of Obama’s Rage. Where I live is so politically correct that such a movie would not even be mentioned, much less shown.

Every seat in the theater was filled, even though there had been an earlier showing that day, and more showings were scheduled for the rest of the afternoon and evening. I had to sit on a staircase in the balcony, but it was worth it.

The audience was riveted. You could barely hear a sound from them, or detect a movement, and you certainly could not smell popcorn. Yet the movie had no bombast, no violence, no sex, and no spectacular visual effects.

The documentary itself was fascinating, as D’Souza presented the story of Barack Obama’s life and view of the world in a very conversational sort of way, illustrating it with visits to people and places around the world that played a role in the way Obama’s ideas and beliefs evolved.

It was refreshing to see how addressing adults as adults could be effective, in an age when so many parts of the media address the public as if they were children who need a constant whirlwind of sounds and movements to keep them interested.Dinesh D’Souza’s own perspective, as someone born in India who came to America and became an American, provided a special insight into the way people from the Third World often perceive or misperceive the United States and the Western world.

That Third World perspective is Obama’s perspective, D’Souza demonstrates in this documentary, as in his book — and it is a perspective that is very foreign to that of most Americans, which may be why some believe that Obama was born elsewhere.

D’Souza is convinced that the president was born in Hawaii, as Obama claims, and argues that it was not only Obama’s time living in Indonesia and his emotionally charged visits to his father’s home in Africa that have had a deep and impassioned effect on his thinking.

The story of Barack Obama, however, is not just the story of how one man came to be the way he is. It is a much larger story about how millions of Americans came to vote for, and some to idolize, a man whose fundamental beliefs and values are so different from their own.

For every person who sees Obama as somehow foreign, there are many others who see him as a mainstream American political figure — and an inspiring one.

This D’Souza attributes to Barack Obama’s great talents in rhetoric, and his ability to project an image that resonates with most Americans, however much that image may differ from, or even flatly contradict, the reality of Obama’s own ideological view of the world.

What is that ideological view?

The Third World, or anti-colonial, view is that the rich nations have gotten rich by taking wealth from the poor nations. It is part of a much larger vision, in which the rich in general have gotten rich by taking from the poor, whether in their own country or elsewhere.

Whatever its factual weaknesses, it is an emotionally powerful vision, to which many people have dedicated their lives and for which some have even risked their lives. Some of these people appear in this documentary, as they have appeared throughout the formative phases of Barack Obama’s life.

The Reverend Jeremiah Wright is just the most visible and vocal of a long line of people who played crucial roles in Obama’s evolution. When Wright thundered about how “white folks’ greed runs a world in need,” he captured the essence of the anti-colonial vision.

But many of the other mentors, allies, family members, and friends of Barack Obama over the years were of the same mind-set, as this documentary demonstrates.

More important, the movie 2016 demonstrates how so many of Obama’s actions as president of the United States, which D’Souza had predicted on the basis of his study of Obama’s background, are perfectly consistent with that ideology, however inconsistent they might be with the rhetoric that gained him the highest office in the land.

Thomas Sowell is a senior fellow at theHoover Institution. © 2012 Creators Syndicate, Inc.

The Un-American Vision of Barack Obama – Thomas Sowell – National Review Online.

Coup de Tat — American Style?

A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet

There is a feeling of deep unease in America today. That is especially so among those of us who keep and eye and an ear on the secretive power hungry Obama Administration.

Things are happening within the Obama Administration that should cause American’s to sit up and take notice. Many have. But not enough, not nearly enough.

Over the weekend the conservative side of the blogosphere was abuzz with concern over Obama’s most recent Executive Orders.

Alan Caruba’s “Executive Tyranny” hit the Internet as a bomblet then exploded into a full-sized bombshell explosion as it raced through the binary code scorching its way onto news sites, blog sites and into in-boxes. If you haven’t read it we recommend you do so right away. You will find it at:
Warning Signs

Then, early Sunday morning, the Drudge Report posted a notice of yet another Obama Executive Order which in effect gives the President the power to take control of all modes of communications within America. If you haven’t read the report on the newest Executive Order, may we suggest you read the text at the government’s website here:
The White House

This is all very troubling, coming as it does just weeks before the most important election in the history of America.

It has the hallmark of a massive power grab by Obama and his cadre of socialist/Marxist apparatchiks within the American government. It looks, for all the world, like a quiet take-over of the government of the United States — a quiet coup de tat –American style.

These moves by Obama are MASSIVE in size and scope and will affect every single American in ways a formerly free American citizen cannot grasp.

In his article, Mr. Caruba says: “Obama is putting in force everything a tyranny requires to replace the Republic.”

The power of the Presidential Executive Order, in our opinion, is being abused by President Obama. The executive orders we noted above give the President the power to literally take-over the country (including all modes of communications) and rule it as a one man government … dare we say it … as a dictator. With the stroke of the Presidential pen the American Republic could be wiped out and in its place a new Socialist/Marxist dictatorship with Obama as the American “strongman” at the top.

Before you dismiss this as just another conspiracy theory, do a bit of research.

Don’t count on the mainstream media to inform you about any of this. They are known to be “in the tank” for Obama and news that will shine anything but flattering light on their Supreme Leader will not make it into the pages of their publications nor into any of the blocks of their TV news shows. So, dear reader, you are on your own.

These are perilous times for America. A country is at its most vulnerable when it finds itself in economic conditions such as America is enduring today. People become desperate and they do desperate things. Note how history records the ease with which Hitler came to power in Germany during a period of desperate economic times in that country.

There are always men of great ambition willing to use a crisis to their advantage. Remember: “Never let a crisis go to waste?” There are always men who believe they are the smartest and strongest among us and, somehow, (in their warped minds) they believe it is their fate in life to step in and take over and set things aright. Often those people are insane.

They are dangerous people. Such leaders have cost millions of lives, destroyed countries and continents, right up to their last breath. And it is still happening today.

Americans have gone to war on more than one occasion to stop such men and liberate their enslaved people. Never did Americans think it could happen to a country so blessed as America.

But it can — and it may be happening right before our eyes.

The American form of democracy, the American constitutional representative republic, was created for an honorable people. The Founders knew it could not survive otherwise. Unfortunately, honor is not one of the virtues in vogue in America these days, In fact, it is not even understood among most of America’s citizens in the twenty-first century. It is a code of conduct forgotten in a world driven by instant gratification, greed, and narcissism.

The men who founded this nation and drew-up the founding documents were honorable man and it never occurred to them that Americans would ever elect men without honor to high offices in the land. But, as we now know, they were wrong.

As a result, Americans are facing a threat to their freedom, their liberty, and their country.

At the risk of sounding trite: WAKE-UP, AMERICA! Reclaim your destiny as a free people. Reclaim your birthright of liberty. Reclaim your country.

If we can manage to wrest control of our government from the grasp of the social progressives now suffocating freedom and liberty in America, we stand a chance at restoring American freedom. If we fail, I see no future for a free America.

Much of the “free” is now gone from the “land of the free.” But how much “brave” is left in the “home of the brave?” I ask, because it is going to take courage to confront the power hungry leftists. Battle lines are drawn from City Hall to the White House. No matter where you are in America — you are on the front lines.

Will freedom loving Americans bolt in retreat or stand and fight? That is the determining question. What will we do? What will YOU do?

If we are lucky, we have until November to decide to reclaim our birthright. Even if we try and fail it will have been worth it. Freedom is always worth the price. ALWAYS.

J. D. Longstreet

Why Kenyan Birth Claim Was No ‘Fact Checking Error’

By Jack Cashill

No sooner did the literary agency brochure in which Barack Obama was said to be Kenyan-born surface than the media went to work to deep-six it.

“This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me – an agency assistant at the time,” Miriam Goderich, now a named partner in the literary agency, Dystel & Goderich, wrote in an emailed statement to Yahoo News, which was then picked up ABC News.  “There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more.”

This confession rings false to the point of preposterous for any number of reasons.  Let us start with the obvious.  At the time, 1991, the Acton & Dystel agency listed 90 clients, Obama among its least significant.  How likely is it that Goderich would have remembered enough about a 1991 “error” to know it was hers, especially since it went uncorrected through several revisions until changed in 2007?  To make this claim credible, there would have to be an existing paper trail leading to an Obama submission in which he lists an Hawaiian birth.  I am confident that there is no such submission.

Former publisher Tom Lipscomb does not buy Goderich’s explanation for a New York minute.  “As someone who has run a number of top bestseller publishers, I think this is an amazing MIRACLE,” writes Lipscomb emphatically on Power Line.  “It is the ONLY case I have ever heard of in which an editorial assistant INVENTED a biographical detail. I have heard of typos, wrong dates, misspellings of names. But to pick a really weird country of origin like Kenya for an author?”

The Breitbart people followed up with a piece by Steve Boman, a Jane Dystel client in the mid-1990s, who noted,  “All material she used in our proposals came directly from me and my writing partner.”  This is standard.  In the eight books I have written under my own name, I have reviewed all biographical information sent out about me either by agent or publisher.  Like most authors, I have let a little fluff pass, but not much.

The most interesting “tell” in the 1991 Acton & Dystel brochure relates to what was said about Obama’s career in the business world.  Obama, the reader learns, “worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation.”

In Dreams from My Father, Obama inflated his stint at Business International even more and transformed it into a faux moment of racial awareness, one of at least a half-dozen concocted racial melodramas in the book.  As Obama tells the story, a “consulting house to multinational corporations” hired him and promptly promoted him to the position of “financial writer.”

Here, he felt like “a spy behind enemy lines,” and a guilty one at that.  “As far as I could tell,” he adds, “I was the only black man in the company.”  He does not boast of his racial uniqueness.  Rather, in full grievance mode, he considers it “a source of shame.”  Indeed, the whole experience troubled him:

I had my own office, my own secretary, money in the bank. Sometimes, coming out of an interview with Japanese financiers or German bond traders, I would catch my reflection in the elevator doors-see myself in a suit and tie, a briefcase in my hand-and for a split second I would imagine myself as a captain of industry, barking out orders, closing the deal, before I remembered who it was that I had told myself I wanted to be and felt pangs of guilt for my lack of resolve.

As early as July 2005, however, former co-worker and Obama fan Dan Armstrong revealed Obama’s whole account to be a “serious exaggeration.”  Obama worked at not a multinational corporation, but a “small company that published newsletters.” He was not the only black person who worked there.  He did not, as claimed, have his own office, wear a jacket and tie, interview international businessmen, or write articles.  He mostly just copy-edited business items and slipped them into a three-ring binder for the company’s customers.

Are we supposed to believe that Goderich not only changed Obama’s birthplace from Hawaii to Kenya, but also transformed him from a grunt filling three-ring binders into a “financial journalist and editor”?

When this discrepancy surfaced years later, pundits in either camp were confused as to why Obama would lie about such seemingly irrelevant details.  There are two good, non-exclusive possibilities.  For one, the exaggeration enables the reader to see Obama as he would like to see himself — “a spy behind enemy lines.”  For another, Obama’s co-author, Bill Ayers, once again took the framework of Obama’s life and roughed in the details.

In Fugitive Days, Ayers’ 2001 memoir, he uses the phrase “behind enemy lines” almost literally to describe his and his comrades’ quiet infiltration of the opponent’s position.  Wife Bernardine Dohrn has said the same in public.  When the Weather Underground declared its state of war with the United States in May 1970, Dohrn warned that people fighting “Amerikan imperialism” all over the world “look to Amerika’s youth to use our strategic position behind enemy lines to join forces in the destruction of the empire.”

The bottom line is this: Obama has been creating and shifting identities his entire adult life.  If the agency brochure was a snapshot of the 1991 Obama, Dreams captured him in his 1995 pose: hip, black, progressive, wounded by racial slights but able to overcome them, just the man to lead Chicago into the 21st century, then the extent of his and Ayers’s ambition for him.

“I met [Obama] sometime in the mid-1990s[,]”  Bill Ayers would tell Salon, likely pushing the actual date back several years.  “And everyone who knew him thought that he was politically ambitious. For the first two years, I thought, his ambition is so huge that he wants to be mayor of Chicago.”

Friend Cassandra Butts traced that ambition back at least to Harvard.  “He wanted to be mayor of Chicago and that was all he ever talked about as far as holding office,” she would tell early Obama biographer David Mendell.

No one would have challenged Obama’s biography had he not gone beyond Chicago, but he did.  And so where he was born matters, and whether he even wrote his own biography matters, too.  As much as I know about Obama, I don’t know or pretend to know the answer — at least to the first of those two questions.


Obama: Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii

Obama's Literary Agent in 1991 Booklet: 'Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii'

Read more:

The Vetting – Exclusive – Obama’s Literary Agent in 1991 Booklet: ‘Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii’.

Soros-Funded Alinsky Smear Machine Invades Congress Matthew Vadum Bio ↓
 May 14th, 2012

George Soros is behind a newly uncovered effort to teach Democratic congressmen how to smear their opponents as racist.

Last week House Democrats invited the radical, left-wing, Soros-financed group called the Center for Social Inclusion “to address the issue of race to defend government programs,” according to documentation reviewed by Joel Gehrke of the Washington Examiner

“The prepared content of a Tuesday presentation to the House Democratic Caucus and staff indicates that Democrats will seek to portray apparently neutral free-market rhetoric as being charged with racial bias, conscious or unconscious,” Gehrke writes.

Maya Wiley of the Center for Social Inclusion

According to Gehrke, trainer Maya Wiley of the Center for Social Inclusion blasted “conservative messages [that are] racially ‘coded’ and had images of people of color that we commonly see used” and suggested ways to combat Republicans’ supposedly racially-coded rhetoric.

Facts don’t matter in Wiley’s estimation. “It’s emotional connection, not rational connection that we need,” she said.

Wiley offered that Newt Gingrich calling Obama a “food stamp president,” cannot be “a race-neutral statement, even if Newt Gingrich did not intend racism.” In other words, all criticism of Obama is rooted in racism.

Wiley, a so-called civil rights attorney, is the daughter of the late George Wiley, the leader of the now-defunct National Welfare Rights Organization. NWRO created ACORN in 1970 and President Obama worked for ACORN in his community organizing days, as I note in my book, Subversion Inc.: How Obama’s ACORN Red Shirts are Still Terrorizing and Ripping Off American Taxpayers.

Maya Wiley also did consulting work for two of Soros’s philanthropies, the Open Society Institute and the Open Society Foundation, and now chairs the board of the Tides network of nonprofits.

The radicalism of Wiley shines brightly on the website of the Center for Social Inclusion. “For more than a quarter century, right-wing rhetoric has dominated debates of racial justice – undermining efforts to create a more equal society, and tearing apart the social safety net in the process,” the propaganda portal opines. Of course only a Marxist with an agenda would argue that “right-wing rhetoric” has somehow torn apart the ever-expanding social safety net. About $16 trillion has been spent on the doomed War on Poverty since it was launched in the mid-1960s and President Obama wants to waste another $10 trillion more.

The Center for Social Inclusion, an Orwellian name if ever there was one, practices the same pathological mixture of Marxism and identity politics that President Obama was raised on. The group was founded based on the assumption that America is an evil structurally racist country that systematically oppresses everyone who is not Caucasian.

The Center’s involvement with left-leaning politicians shouldn’t be all that surprising given that the Democratic National Committee is now headed by the Alinsky-loving Patrick Gaspard, a longtime SEIU-ACORN operative. Gaspard, not titular DNC head Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.), runs the DNC’s everyday operations as executive director. Gaspard was previously the Obama White House political affairs director, the same title Karl Rove held in President Bush’s administration.

Gaspard comes from the same world of radical in-your-face left-wing community organizing that shaped Barack Obama. Like Obama he is well schooled in the brutal, street-smart organizing tactics taught by the late Saul Alinsky, author of Rules for Radicals. Wiley’s training session has Gaspard’s fingerprints all over it. It is inconceivable that she moved forward without his permission. In fact, Gaspard almost certainly invited her to Capitol Hill.

Wiley’s group gets its money from anti-American philanthropists such as Soros. The Soros-funded Tides Foundation has given $879,800 to the group since 2005. Soros’s Open Society Institute has donated at least $75,000 to the group since 2002. Other hard-left institutional donors to the group include the Public Welfare Foundation Inc. ($308,355 since 2010) and the Surdna Foundation ($60,000 since 2008).

he Center for Social Inclusion may also be hiding something. The group’s tax returns, which are supposed to be publicly available at the disclosure website, are not available. This may be a violation of federal law.

It has long been axiomatic that when left-wingers are worried about losing power they shriek “racist!” ad nauseam as if sheer repetition of the malicious lie will somehow make it true. The mainstream media has long let leftist politicians such as Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-N.Y.) get away with accusing Republicans of racism based on, well, nothing. Instead of hurling racial epithets, Republicans “say, ‘Let’s cut taxes,’” the corrupt Harlem congressman has said. And when Republicans proposed reforming aspects of the welfare system, Rangel said they were worse than Nazis. “Hitler wasn’t even talking about doing these things,” he insisted, advancing the ahistorical position that the genocidal German dictator was somehow a champion of small government.

But teaching sitting lawmakers whose salaries are paid by the taxpayers how to utilize the Left’s favorite smear in order to shut down open debate over government spending is a fascistic frontal assault on freedom of thought and expression that takes Alinskyite sliminess to new depths.


Obama Forms Soros-Controlled Energy Council To ‘Fix’ Thriving Natural Gas Industry

By Ken Blackwell
May 10, 2012

When politicians want to look busy while avoiding tough decisions during an election year, what do they do? They form commissions and councils.

And when President Barack Obama saw Americans struggling with higher gasoline and home energy prices, did he encourage more domestic oil exploration, off-shore drilling, or coal production, while lowering taxes on energy?

Of course not. After all, with political observers expecting a close presidential race this year, Obama needs the financial and institutional support far-left environmental groups. The result has been the president anointing certain energy sources – such as wind and natural gas – as energies of the future, while implementing regulatory hurdles for more dependable fuels like oil and coal.

Over the last decade, natural gas has exploded as an important energy source in the United States, accounting for almost one quarter of all energy consumed. Natural gas has boosted economic activity in states like Ohio, North Dakota, and Pennsylvania, and until recently has done so largely without the benefit of preferential treatment from the federal government.

But to expedite this natural gas boom, President Obama just recently decided to form an interagency natural gas council run by Cecilia Munoz, a former community organizer with La Raza and White House bureaucrat with deep-ties to George Soros, the billionaire investor who made his fortune in currency trading throughout the world while bankrolling liberal political efforts. Munoz formerly led the OpenSociety Institute and the Center for Community Change, two organizations which are directly connected to Soros,, ACORN, and other fringe groups with a long record of opposing the development of America’s oil and coal resources.

As if having a new council run by the far left was not enough, Obama continues to support major Democratic donors such as Soros by picking winners and losers in the energy through risky subsidies, through a bill known as the NAT GAS Act.

This legislation attempts to artificially encourage a transition to more natural gas usage, by offering tax credits for natural gas vehicles, fueling stations, and storage facilities. As we all saw with the collapse of inefficient companies like Solyndra, when private investors are not willing to fund a new project, politically connected firms try to force taxpayers to fund their schemes.

But if natural gas is an already cheap and abundant source of energy, why would we subsidize it?

The answer may be found with the Soros Management Fund, which is Soros’ investment vehicle, owns more than $90 million of shares in a Vancouver, British Columbia company which produces the same natural gas-powered engines which the act would encourage the use of.

Soros has personally donated $5,000 to the act’s co-sponsor Rep. Nita Lowey of New York and his family donated $121,000 to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, while the lead sponsor of the act, Senator Robert Mendez of New Jersey, was chairman. This is in addition to the countless (and often untraceable) millions of dollars Soros pours into Democratic campaigns through the activities of his non-profit organizations and political committees.

Natural gas is a valuable and commonly used fuel. But it is not a silver bullet to our nation’s massive energy conundrum. And just like wind, solar, and nuclear, it should be left to succeed or fail based on private market forces. Government should not have the legal authority to hand your hard-earned dollars over to a private industry, just because a handful of politicians think they have the right to make decisions about what energy consumers use.

We have seen the costly errors of government manipulating energy markets, and Obama must not allow wealthy activists to profit at the expense of taxpayers. Conservatives should oppose the NAT GAS Act and other measures that give one specific fuel a distinct marketplace advantage over others.

See more “Right Views, Right Now”