Monthly Archives: August 2019


Muslim Conference


By SL’s Rant….. (Stephanie Land)

(Note to Big Tech Censorship Police: This is not “hate speech”, so before you block my post, read the explanation. I have Muslim friends whom I love dearly, but it does not change the fact that Islam is a government which can not co-exist inside the US govt.)

Many people think the solution to the “Islam Problem” is to ban Sharia Law. But others say our First Amendment restricts the government from making any law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise of religion.

The ACTUAL PROBLEM is that Sharia Law is not a religion. As the name states Sharia “LAW” is part of the Islamic state’s (govt’s) legal system. It is criminal laws. Sharia law has NOTHING to do with the “free exercise of religion” and absolutely SHOULD be banned in the US since we already have established criminal laws.

Islam is not a religion either, it is a totalitarian form of government which dictates every aspect of a Muslim’s life, of which the religious beliefs and laws are a part. No part of Islam can be separated from the other, they are a package deal never to be severed. If you don’t believe this, do some research – ask some Muslims. This is absolutely factual and true.

I’m sure you’ve heard of the Islamic flag and the Islamic state. Think about it, both of these things are governmental, not religious!

Islamic laws conflict with our laws and more importantly are in direct CONFLICT with our CONSTITUTION!!

Islam has its own POLITICAL LEADERS, above the authority of any US leader since they believe their leaders to be Allah’s. It has its own government structure and government rules has its own courts, its own judges, its own laws & traditions. It has its own civil laws as well. It also has its own tax laws and banking. It even has its own policing department.

That sharia law enforcing ’policing department’ is now operating in Brooklyn New York!

The first thing Muslims will do when they settle in a city is open a mosque. The mosque has several very loud speakers at the top that blare their call to prayer for TWO MINUTES before the sun comes up, so forget sleeping until AFTER sunrise. The blaring Arabic song can be heard for more than a TWENTY BLOCK radius! That obnoxious ear shattering noise plays again FOUR MORE TIMES during the day. (Watch video here 👉🏻{})

The last plays at dusk, so forget about any more romantic sunsets! They do not care that they are infringing on your rights to sleep or enjoy a peaceful day, because the call to prayer was dictated by Muhammad, the messenger of Allah.

The beliefs of Islam are in direct conflict with our constitution and regardless of peoples sensibilities or how much they want to scream tolerance or that Islam is a religion, they are wrong and Islam should not be allowed to be established in United States.

I do not hate Muslim people. I have several Muslim friends & lovely neighbors. But that does not change the fact that Islam is a government and it cannot coexist within OUR government.

Most people are uninformed and ignorant about exactly what Islam is and how it works. This is no surprise since Islam is like nothing else in the world. Islam is like a platypus, it doesn’t fit neatly in any given category.

The truth is – Islam WAS banned from the USA in 1952 and the law is still in effect today. But the Left & Snopes are too ignorant about Islam and the teachings of the Quran, Hadith, Sunna, Sira, Sharia Law, etc, to realize this is true. So they tell you it is false and claim the truth is “hate speech.

Excerpt from

“ISLAM WAS BANNED FROM THE USA IN 1952 – But Obama doesn’t want you to know that, nor does he respect or uphold US law. The Immigration and Nationality Act passed June 27, 1952 revised the laws relating to immigration, naturalization and nationality for the United States.

That Act, which became Public Law 414, established both the law and the intent of Congress regarding the immigration of aliens to the US and remains in effect today.

Among the many issues it covers, one in particular found in Chapter 2, Section 212, is the prohibition of entry in to the US if the alien belongs to an organization seeking to overthrow the government of the United States by force, violence or by other unconstitutional means.”

This, by its very definition, rules out Islamic immigration to the United States but this law is being ignored by the White House.

Islamic immigration to the United States would be prohibited under this law because the Koran, Sharia Law and the Hadith all require complete submission to Islam which is antithetical to the United States government, the Constitution and to the Republic.

All Muslims who attest that the Koran is their life’s guiding principal subscribe to submission to Islam and its form of government.”

Please take the time to understand THE GOVERNMENT of Islam BEFORE you embrace it inside the USA! Learn its Caliphs, its Sharia Law, its civil laws (including marital law), its taxes, its courts, its rules for daily life (Sunna), learn its rules for worship and the separation of men and women in daily life.

Neighbors Say East New York Mosque Is “Too, Too Noisy”




by SL’s Rant (Stephanie Land)

Burning the American flag is not “speech”, it is an “act”! It is not “symbolic speech. Symbolic speech may be expressing emotion- crying, screaming, cheering, waving, scowling, etc.. But starting a fire is in no way, shape or form – “speech or expression”!

Our great flag figuratively represents our “UNITED STATES”. As citizens and legalized immigrants we “PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE to the FLAG of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God…”

Each of the stripes represents the 13 original colonies, each star, a state. When a person burns the American flag, they are figuratively burning down & destroying, our country!!

It is a destructive act against this country’s primary symbol of freedom and patriotism that the men & women in our military have historically looked too with pride, giving them the additional courage and motivation to stand and defend our homeland (and others), and all it stands for as outlined in our constitution and associated documents, when things are the most dire (e.g. The Iwo Jima Memorial).

Patriotism is a country’s greatest weapon! Those who wish to destroy our country know this very well.

Remove patriotism and you no longer have a military willing to defend the country. With no military to defend it, you soon have no country.

That’s been the effect since the law was passed, in 1989, making it legal to burn the flag.
For 213 years it was ILLEGAL to burn the American flag (for the reasons I stated)! It’s been legal for the past 30 years and look what’s happened to our country since then! People have not only lost respect for our country, they have lost respect for each other. When the flag is respected, citizens are proud to be Americans and they respect fellow Americans.
If a person’s reason for burning the flag is that it’s their freedom of expression then they are idiots, because they are burning the symbol that represents their freedom of expression!

By burning the flag, the “symbolic expression” being voiced is a protest AGAINST our freedoms, against our rights! That’s idiotic!

If there is an issue to protest or something can be done to make our country better, address THAT issue directly -not symbolically with acts of hatred! Hatred never results in anything positive.
Laws prohibiting the desecration of the flag were only RECENTLY struck down by the US Supreme Court in 1989! Since that time patriotism in our country has also been “struck down”.

On June 21, 1989, a deeply divided United States Supreme Court upheld the rights of protesters to burn the American flag in a landmark First Amendment decision.

In the controversial Texas v. Johnson case, the Court voted 5-4 in favor of Gregory Lee Johnson, the protester who had burned the flag. Johnson’s actions, the majority argued, were symbolic speech, political in nature, and could be expressed even at the expense of our national symbol and to the affront of those who disagreed with him.

Since then, there have been 7 attempts to amend the United States Constitution to prevent the desecration of the flag, but those attempts and others, like legislation then-Senator Hillary Clinton co-sponsored in 2006, have failed.
As Mackenzie Celum said:

“I consider flag-burning to not only be an ineffective way to express disagreement, but toxic as well. More than that, I believe it to be a hate crime. Yes, it makes an obvious statement, but at the heart of it, all it truly exhibits is hatred for our country. I would even go so far as to question if flag-burning ought to be judged as treason. Furthermore, this act could be considered a form of violence, as it encourages a “mob mentality.” Could this easily lead to even more violent actions? I would argue that yes, it easily could. This quickly sparks a chain reaction of chaos that cannot easily be contained.”

Our troops sacrifice their lives to defend our rights. There is no greater action of disrespect and disregard towards them and the institution of our military than to burn the epitome of those rights.

“Reverence for the flag is ingrained in every schoolchild who has quailed at the thought of letting it touch the ground, in every citizen moved by pictures of it being raised at Iwo Jima or planted on the moon, in every veteran who has ever heard taps played at the end of a Memorial Day parade, in every gold-star mother who treasures a neatly folded emblem of her family’s supreme sacrifice.”
— TIME’s Walter Isaacson

It’s wrong that the above is no longer true for some well-meaning, but mis-guided people.

I’ll end here with a link to an article that describes the meaning of the American flag.

 The Meaning of the American flag